Founded In
Rate Card
$25-$49 / hr
Ticket Size
min $5000
Projects Done
less than 50
Address Headquarters :
1495 Lake Ave Rochester, New York – 14615, Rochester, New York ,United States 14615
Address 2 :
MFAR Silverline techpark, No:180,First Floor, EPIP, Bengaluru, Karnataka ,India 560066
Address 3 :
SCO 26-27, 1st & 2nd Floor Sector 9D, Chandigarh, Chandigarh ,India 160009
Founder of ChainCode Consulting LLP
Alok Gupta is the esteemed founder of Chaincode Consulting LLP, a leading technology consulting firm specializing in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the potential of blockchain, Alok Gupta has played a pivotal role in shaping the company's success.
Based on 0 reviews
The founder/CEO/Director of ChainCode Consulting LLP is Alok Gupta. To know more about her/him visit the LinkedIn profile URL provided in the above section.
The ChainCode Consulting LLP was by Alok Gupta in 2019 as a IoT company.
There are 0 reviews of ChainCode Consulting LLP. You can read all these reviews in the above section. And these all reviews are verified by our analyst.
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